CNNFN writes article about Famed investor sounds the crisis alarm on U.S., China:

Hollywood director responds to #WhitewashedOut movement

by Sara Ashley O’Brien @saraashleyo May 5, 2016: 11:46 AM ET

whitewashedout (left to right) Tilda Swinton, Elizabeth Banks, Scarlett

The outrage over Hollywood’s practice of replacing Asian characters with
white actors is striking a chord.

On Tuesday, the hashtag #WhitewashedOut was trending throughout the
day, as people shared their thoughts on the “erasure” of Asian
Americans from “whitewashed” movies and how that trickles down to
society at large.

And it elicited a response from Scott Derrickson, the director behind
“Doctor Strange,” one of the films that Asians are reacting to.

Tilda Swinton, an Oscar-winning British actress, is portraying a
Tibetan male comic known as the Ancient One in the film, which will be
released in November.

“Raw anger/hurt from Asian-Americans over Hollywood whitewashing,
stereotyping & erasure of Asians in cinema. I am listening and
learning,” Derrickson tweeted on Wednesday.

Marvel Studios had defended its casting choice by saying it didn’t want
to anger the Chinese government by depicting Tibetans.

Star Trek actor George Takei said this was a cop out, and voiced his
thoughts on Facebook over the weekend.

CNNFN Article Source Here.

As of: Thu May 5 11:10:03 MDT 2016

CNNFN: Famed investor sounds the crisis alarm on U.S., China: Thursday May 05, 2016
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