CNNFN writes article about Biotech super stock jumps 160% in 8 weeks:

Biotech super stock jumps 160% in 8 weeks

by Heather Long @byHeatherLong April 7, 2016: 12:23 PM ET

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When a stock skyrockets 160% in a mere two months, people notice.

People notice even more when they realize Bill Gates and Google
Ventures are invested in this hotshot company.

The stock is biotech company Editas. It’s based in Boston
(Cambridge, to be exact) and aims to revolutionize medicine by
correcting sick people’s DNA.

There’s just one catch: The company has never tested this gene editing
technique on humans. It’s worked on mice and pigs in a lab, but that’s
fairly far away from coming to a hospital near you.

The stock is skyrocketing on the hope of what’s to come, even though it
could be years away.

“It’s the first public company in an area that has tremendous promise
and could be a real game-changer,” says Michael King, an analyst who
follows dozens of biotech stocks at JMP Securities. “It boggles the

The gene editing technique is known as CRISPR. Last year, Science
magazine dubbed it the “breakthrough of the year.” Scientists
literally go in and cut out the defective genes and replace them with

CNNFN Article Source Here.

As of: Thu Apr 7 11:10:02 MDT 2016

CNNFN: Biotech super stock jumps 160% in 8 weeks: Thursday April 07, 2016
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