CNNFN writes article about Chipotle stock plunges on new E. coli fears:

Chipotle stock plunges again on new E. coli fears

by Paul R. La Monica @lamonicabuzz December 22, 2015: 11:14

Chipotle’s E. coli scare
Chipotle’s E. coli scare

Wall Street is very very worried that those long lines at Chipotle around
lunchtime may be a thing of the past following reports of more E. coli cases
tied to the popular Mexican food chain.

Shares of Chipotle (CMG) fell 4% Tuesday and briefly dipped below
$500 for the first time since May 2014 after the CDC said Monday
afternoon that there may be a new, unrelated E. coli outbreak.

The CDC said that it “is investigating another, more recent outbreak”
reported in three states (1 in Kansas, 1 in North Dakota and 3 in
Oklahoma) that appears to have a “different, rare DNA fingerprint” of
the E. coli bacteria strain.

All five people said they ate at a Chipotle in the week before they got
sick, according to the CDC.

The illnesses started between November 18 and November 26 — weeks
after the outbreak that was first reported in late October in
Washington and Oregon. For this reason, the CDC said it is not
including these new cases as part of the first outbreak.

The CDC also said there was one new E. coli case reported that was

CNNFN Article Source Here.

As of: Tue Dec 22 11:10:02 MST 2015

CNNFN: Chipotle stock plunges on new E. coli fears: Tuesday December 22, 2015
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