CNNFN writes article about North Korea suspect in fed probe of bank hacks:

How much $$$ do you need to start investing?

by Heather Long @byHeatherLong May 13, 2016: 8:30 AM ET

Get started investing

“What is the minimum amount of money to buy a stock? Where and how?” — Kaly
from Calgary, Canada.

This is one of the most commonly asked questions from CNNMoney readers.
Many people want to become the next Warren Buffett, but they don’t
know where to begin investing or even how much money they need to make
the first purchase.

Short answer: $5.

Better answer: $500, and only AFTER you have built up your
emergency savings.

“We really encourage people to have six months of savings first,” says
Yvette Butler, president of Capital One Investing. Once you have a few
thousand in savings, then you can start investing.

The goal of investing is to make your money grow faster than it would
in a typical bank account (especially since savings accounts barely
spit out a little more than 0% interest now). But investing is
risky. You can lose money, especially in the “short run.”

How to invest: Once you have the cash, an explosion of trading apps has
made it easy to get going.

CNNFN Article Source Here.

As of: Sat May 28 11:10:03 MDT 2016

CNNFN: North Korea suspect in fed probe of bank hacks: Saturday May 28, 2016
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